DJI - Introducing Agras T20

스마일드론2021.09.01 20:47조회 수 574댓글 0

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DJI - Introducing Agras T20



출처 : 유튜브 DJI

With its powerful performance and outstanding spraying capabilities, the T20 is capable of autonomous operations over a variety of terrains. Giving users upgraded stability and flight safety via Autonomous High-Precision Operation and Omnidirectional Digital Radar.

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DJI 방제드론 신제품 출시 관련 세부 영상 T16 / T30 앞으로 바뀔 방제드론 기준의 표본이네요! (by 스마일드론) 드론, 辛농부 DJI AGRAS T16 드론방제 체험기 (by 스마일드론)

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